Tutorial to know: At The Root of It All

We all know that oral hygiene plays a very important role in the health of our teeth and gums, but some of us may not always brush our teeth twice a day and floss on a daily basis. Sometimes we can just be sheer lazy and brush our teeth only once a day or not […]

We all know that oral hygiene plays a very important role in the health of our teeth and gums, but some of us may not always brush our teeth twice a day and floss on a daily basis. Sometimes we can just be sheer lazy and brush our teeth only once a day or not at all and go straight to bed after a long day. Some of us may brush our teeth twice a day, both in the morning and before bed, but skip flossing. You may not even think flossing is even that important… but let me tell you that it is just as important as brushing your teeth and it’s root.

Every time you visit the dentist for a check-up, there’s the one question that you’re most probably going to be asked: “Have you been flossing regularly?” For a lot of patients, the answer isn’t always yes. You may be among those many people who don’t floss. People who don’t floss may not even realise that this step plays an important role in dental health. Unlike a toothbrush, floss is specifically designed to clean the tight spaces between the teeth and the gap between the base of the teeth and gums. These places are hard to reach with a toothbrush. So when you brush your teeth you won’t be able to reach the bits of food stuck in the hard to reach places.

Root Canal

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that becomes infected or is badly decayed. The tooth is repaired and saved by replacing the tooth’s damaged or infected pulp with a filling. Tooth decay, a crack or a root fracture, gum disease, or even repeated dental procedures on one tooth can cause the tooth’s pulp to become infected and inflamed. The space inside the tooth is called the pulp which is the living tissue that keeps the tooth alive.

During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. You may experience toothache and pain and if the tooth pulp is not removed, bacteria can begin to multiply which can cause an abscessed tooth. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of the roots of the tooth. Getting root canal treatment doesn’t cause pain and will help relieve the pain you may be experiencing. Without the removal of the infected pulp, it’ll just lead to further complications.

At Parkwood Green Dental, we administer root canal treatment using state of the art techniques and medical apparatus. We ensure that your teeth are maintained in good condition without any infections. Our highly trained and experienced staff will inform you on the process of the procedure and the overall cost. If you’re experiencing pain and toothache, sensitivity to hot and cold drinks and goods, or swelling of the gum, book an appointment at Parkwood Green Dental as soon as possible to have your teeth checked. There is nothing worse than experiencing toothache and discomfort.